An Executive Committee (EC) was appointed to draft a plan of action for the consultation phase. The Executive Committee is co-chaired by Alfred Oteng-Yeboah and Michel Loreau and the following people became members of the EC: Ivar Baste, Martha Chouchena-Rojas, Christine Dawson, Horst Korn, Keping Ma, Georgina Mace, Martha Mapangou, Charles Perrings, Peter Raven, José Sarukhan, Robert Watson, Jacques Weber.
The membership remain open to the addition of a modest number of members from under-represented sectors, such as the private sector, or indigenous people.
Following up on the recommendations made by the ISC at their first meeting, the first actions that need to be undertaken are to identify, define and assess the gaps and needs in the science policy interface. The consultation will be organized in two steps, the first step consisting in ordering a set of studies while continuing to inform the community, and get feedback, and the second step consisting in launching a wide consultation, based on the information collected during the first step.
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